Strategy for sustainability

It is so encouraging to engage in this project for it is the wish of the people of Muriet. On several occasions they have requested if various stakeholders including people who can develop proposals like Bakari Waziri Yusuph and others to help build the Kindergarten school and primary school in order to raise awareness of the importance of education when their kids are at a tender age and rescue many who didn’t get chance to education but rather they are wandering in the street of the city.

As a result the ward leadership of Muriet are all in support of the project as they intend to cooperate in all the school activities especially is raising awareness for the parents to send their children to school, at the stage of gathering for rescue street children and also contribute to the school and infrastructure maintenance and well-being in different means including the voluntary bases. Due to its original ideas of build, enough land is secured within Muriet area compound to build this School as Progress for Africa Foundation secured this piece of land for the benefit of its project initiatives that are foreseen to the communities.

Future sustainably of the Project.

  1. Community as whole especially those with kids will be responsible in various ways, including monthy or quarter yearly meetings on the progress of schools and what to improves, as custodion and parents of chilrens.
  2. Villages governments has a stake in the project since it benefits the villagers. They will emphasize parents to contribute in daily managment of the school and where necessary contribute small amount for food for kids (normal for the school of this kind). With this in mind and considering the fact that the village government is a legal entitity according to the laws of Tanzania it is legally neccessary for them to make community based project are sustainable and report to the district.
  3. Arusha Municipality Council which is responcible for development projects in the villages is automatigically another relevant legal person interested in the project. It is its responsibility to make sure that any project that benefits people is protected and assisted where necessary. It is with this in mind that the council will contribute to the maintanance and sustainability of the any school project.
  4. The local people’s contribution among many things will be to help in fetching the stones and other building materials for the foundation and those who will have to bring their children to the school later, they will have to contribute a very small amount for those who will have and for those who cannot manage these contributions from extremely underprivileged families the organization and other stakeholders will have to subsidize them.
  5. Since the school or these kinds are not available in the area beside much eager of community to have it, the assumption is that individual villagers within Muriet ward will have their eyes wide open in line with the security and sustainability of the school project.
  6. Progress for Africa Foundation will work in collaboration with other stakeholders and donors to help to subside on disadvantaged families and look for good teachers, as they can pay teachers personnel salaries as it will support in its life time, from the time the school commences.
  7. The project will greatly reduce level of iliteracy in the ward of Muriet, it surrounding areas and it will influance community to brigs the vulnerable kids to school. It will minimise the environmental stress. In the longrun this will ensure the sustainable water flow from the current source.
  8. Kadogoo Tanzania: Kadogoo Tanzania an officially entity initiated in the year 2014 as a tourism company, it has done a lot of approved projects to the communities in Tanzania and its profit making is aimed to support small projects for community like subside foods where necessary to different schools and help salaries where necessary for teachers, the services it is providing is for community and the schools so (Kadogoo Tanzania) will also be the community oriented for its profits for example it has built the classes of this kindergarten in Kirika (B) area of Mbauda road. Kadagoo Tanzania brings volunteers from various parts of the world to volunteer in schools, health centers and in community organizations as a way of giving back to the communities.

The school will form a school committee that will include at least leaders of the village, Progress for Africa Foundation organization, teachers and other relevant representative in order to bridge the gap between teacher, parents and school leadership.