Vision statement.

  • To ameliorate the wellbeing of people or groups of people in risk of social exclusion.
  • To provide high quality education required by the community to those who have difficult access to it. Thus, they can empower themselves, have a better future and achieve freedom of decision and respect and protect the environment.
  • To empower the community so they organize and claim for their Human Rights in order to achieve and maintain their dignity.
  • To foster local economy in order to empower people to achieve independency and decision-making power through the reduction of social inequalities.
  • To strengthen people’s skills so they reinforce their resiliency, independency, empowerment and freedom in order to live in accordance to their own decisions.
  • To achieve radical transparency. We are open, true and direct with the Organization’s information, actions, procedures and outcomes, as well as compromised to make available all the information required by the public.

Mission Statement

• To organize seminars, workshops, participatory activities, debates, public forums, trainings, documentation for the purposes of raising awareness, to impart skills, and to share knowledge in order to enable communities to participate and contribute effectively on spreading education and healthy habits;
• To create comfortable and confident spaces where people can maintain conversations about issues of interest in order to ameliorate the communities´ wellbeing and foster respect for Human Rights;
• To tackle illiteracy and lack of official languages´ knowledge in order to improve peoples’ skills, capacities and abilities as a way to empower themselves, becoming able to decide about their present and future;
• To promote participatory researches and to develop investigations within target communities in order to achieve firsthand information about hidden necessities, social problems, economic difficulties, cultural barriers, gender inequality situations, violation of Human Rights, and any complicated situation which could be attended;

• To build infrastructures which can become a referent space to the community and to which they can confidently attend in order to ask for help, propose activities, relate to each other, debate freely and enjoy the ongoing activities;
• To collaborate with local and international organizations, as well as local organizations headquartered in other countries, which operate in similar basis, values and goals as Progress For Africa Foundation;
• To establish official collaborations with local and international institutions in order to achieve our goals;
• To foster and develop environmentally sustainable ways of producing electricity and water supply. To empower and awaken the communities to own and manage the environmental resources sustainably in order to improve the livelihoods of communities;
• To initiate, promote and coordinate community strategies based on income generating activities aimed at reducing inequalities. These activities shall take into account the environmental impact they have;
• To empower and inform communities as a way to improve their health status and sanitary conditions, developing processes aimed at reducing the ongoing appearance and/or spread of diseases;
• To implement, develop and maintain economic activities in order to cover the communities’ necessities as well as raising periodical incomes to maintain the Organization’s projects according to Article 32 of the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, 2002.